
Chicago Title Insurance Company

George Kennedy


Real estate has traditionally been a family's most valuable asset. It is a form of wealth that is protected by many laws. These laws have been enacted to protect one's ownership of real estate and the improvements located on the land. The owner, the owner's family, and the owner's heirs may have rights or claims in and to the property that you are buying. Those who may have an interest in or lien upon the property could be governmental bodies, contractors, lenders, judgment creditors, the Internal Revenue Service, or various other individuals or corporations. The real estate may be sold to you without the knowledge of the party having a right or claim in and to the property. In addition, you may purchase the real estate without having any knowledge of these rights or claims. In either event, these rights or claims remain attached to the title to the property that you are buying until they are extinguished.

Union Home Mortgage

Dan Perriera

Since our inception in 1970, Union Home Mortgage has guided hundreds of thousands of aspiring homebuyers through the process of achieving homeownership. Driven by the belief that homeownership should be accessible for everyone, we go the extra mile for every customer, while providing a personalized experience unmatched in the industry.

Guided by the vision and dedication of our President and CEO, Bill Cosgrove, we’ve built a world-class company where people come first. With a culture that stands out in the mortgage industry, you won’t find employees here – only Partners - who live by the shared values of our Code of Conduct. We respect one another, communicate openly and hold each other accountable.

Our commitment to delivering personal, world-class service has helped us expand our reach into over 40 states + D.C. and grow our annual lending volume to over $5 billion in responsible lending per year, trending over $7 billion in 2020.